Friday, November 28, 2008
its time for an update!
goodness. didn really have much time the past few days.
i'll try my best t remember what happened.
i only know that i was home alone! (:
other than aunt coming over at night..
just t make sure things are okkays and that i am home.
luckily she doesn check on me abt sleeping. HAHAH
cause i was sleeping at like wee morning. hahah 1 2 plus.
nothing abt sch.
more fun during trg! hahah
we always wait for each other t go for trg tgt.
so i met the girls at 5.
slacked awhile before going for trg.
and before that.. we went t the playground. hahah!
here are some pictures!
taken in 2s. jacq and kesh. shihui and i.
cause both of them were on the individual swings.
shihui and i shared the round one (:
until we switched

trg was rather okkays luhh.
like 7 ppl? hahah. did drills. not that bad luhh.
managed t practice on what i ought t practice.
and there was sprints! yes. after so long.
we ended at 945. changed and all.
went home with the girls.
reached home and studied! hahah
hardworking me. but most of the time i was on facebook and everything.
hahah! and playing solitaire
DR V IS BACK! hahah. sians. and i had him for op tech!
haii. not that bad luhh. hahah
lunch with the girls!
ate beancurd again!! hahah.
after that went for some director's list cert ceremony.
congrats t kimmy fuxiao aishah and jiahao
ended at 3. met up with kesh. as she was alone at north canteen.
ate and then studied for awhile cause we were waiting for shihui
slept for awhile. then aft shihui came we bought food again.
went t get shoes and stuff.
and i bought my bao! much t their frustration. HAHAH!
went down t tp and then bus 31 t kallang.
womens started 1st followed by mixed.
womens against llabten. lost 31-41 ):
played WA. lets just say fitness still not really there.
only at the last quart was quite hyped up.
but was too late. many mispasses. drives not there ):
but i did fairly okkays.
peiyan and i watched the mixed team
i only know they won. and they played with ang mohs. hahah!
and one of our senior suffered from an elbow fracture!!
goodness! the opposing C contacted her.
both fell onto the ground. and kesh who was quite near heard a damn loud crack sound!
damn scary. i only saw her in pain and was shouting in pain!!
after the whole thing ended. we went our own way home.
we had a 2h30mins break!!
hahaha. cause biosci ended earlier.
went t koufu with huiyi kimmy and lydia.
i ate my tao suan! (:
was thinking of either bubur hitam or the tao suan.
ended up kimmy bought the hitam i got tao suan.
hahah! then we went t the com lab.
radiography prac is one t look forward to (:
and we ended early too! 4pm!
so i went t look for kesh who stayed on for trg
cause she didn want me t be lonely (:
thanks ha! but so sorry.
like 6?! cause of the rain and also the number of ppl training.
and between that timing we ate at 4. then i played her com.
sent music t each other and all. hahah!
then i ate again at 6 plus.
went t macs t get her mcflurry!
bumped into the seniors too.
daph shuyi and huiyu.
hahah! daph damn funny, also a goondu who hasn ate big mac before.
so she had her virgin experience.
and she used fork and knife -.-
goodness sia! no need that kua zang right!?HAHAH
both kesh and i talked about things..
and being both IJ girls.. we talked about IJ stuff too.
ijtp and ijkatong. hahah
goodness. brings back alot of memories. RIGHT KESH? hahah
then we left for home.
one whole day of op tech!
i feel damn slow. i'm like 2 teeth behind most of the rest.
around there luhh. one of the slowest i guess ):
the proximals are giving me headaches. occlusals are good except for depth.
but then mrs quek was saying i'm slow cause i was VERY careful. HAHA
owells. i'll try t speed up and produce good results (:
quite medieocre as compared t some who for some reason..
lately getting Competent and Proficient.
yes. quek gave one classmate 2 Ps for her restoration.
i'm wanting t get a C 1st..
owells. nvm. whatever results i'm getting now. i'm cool with it mann!
just wanting t do better cavity prep and restoration.
and i walked home!! haha
yes it has been quite awhile since i walked home.
and i literally walked straight all the way from the backgate near the sports complex!
4 hs of dental hygiene can seriously kill.
but luckily the 1st 2 hrs it was taken by another lecturer.
and i wasn feeling really tired!
jasmine can be my witness. hahah
almost every friday we are seating partners. hahah!
but when it came t the next 2 hrs. changed lecturer.
goodness.. 10mins later my eyes was slowly drooping!!!
and both of us became really figet-ty. hahah!
i kept shifting in my seat alot. jasmine too. AHAHA
had 3 hrs break for me.
met kimmy in north canteen with lydia.
huiyi went makan with her friend.
ate lunch before going t town.
saw shalom and rachel.
visited the therapist. okkays seriosuly without therapy i think i will just fall flat and my legs can just die alr! he said my muscles are damn tight!! hahah
so he DIAGNOSED and TREATED my leg. (:
gave me advices and tips too!
while walking back t the station.
2 nush girls came up t me! hahah
how nice of them t remember me :D
met ash and jess on the way back t school.
hygiene prac. again slow. sians. actually not really luhh. 1 more quardant undone.
sians. so demoralised this week kkays.
really damn bad. netball then prac work.
hopefully not theory work! ):
2 papers next week: JAP AND ORAL PATHO.
so gna chiong them both tmr!!
gonna go sch t study with kimmy.
and maybe we shld head t the gym or maybe just run in the sch track.
HAHAH. but definitely i'm gna do smth
if better not fucking rain!!!
if not sunday i will be cycling all the way t parkway again. hahah!
or maybe somewhere else. hahah!
i'm hoping for the next 2 weeks t pass by with confidence.
have been looking at marathons lately.
found some from organised by NTU.
gonna join all! hahah. i want i want!
sprint series and synergy is on mann! tgt with lydia and some others (:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
its the weekend again!!
hahah i'm so excited.
actually its like the last day of the weekend -.-
3 weeks left of school before the xmas hols!! (:
cant wait for the trip!!
before the trip gotta get pass 5 papers!!
and lets say this week was rather a tiring week.
note the sarcasm -.-but 1 thing i know.
HAHAH. brother is back t camp.
dad is still overseas.
mom and sis will be going overseas tmr!
hahaha. sis going for her cca trip mom for business.
i'm the WOMAN of the house mann. HAHAH
and i felt so accomplished ytd when i revised
topics from biosci and oral patho.
did jap hmwrk too! hahah.
finally can remember some hiragana!
have t keep writing and practicing luhh!
if not sure forget.
went t the gym ytd cause the stadium was closed for renovation.
and it was great! though i went alone. hahaha.
that qian luhh! claimed t have SO many things t do
until run also dun wanna run. HAHAH.
maybe i shld go back again.
kind of enjoy running on the treadmill.
but dislike the aircon.
and got a small sock for lil cousin. for his hp.
so tired during the 1st 4 hrs!
stupid dental hygiene.
seriously dunno which goondu lecturer planned our timetable.
dunno how t split the modules.
nevermind that one.
had 3 hrs break! cause i switched with jasmine.
kim huiyi and i went t town!
far east. it has been so long since i have been there!
like.. i guess.. june?!
HAHAH. or maybe longer than that!
i dropped by novena t check the printing of tees.
had lunch somewhere near yakun. SUBWAY COOKIE for me (:
saw marian. whaa. almost everyone is done with As!
so we had a short chat before she left for her shopping. hahah
we walked around and seriously i wanna go and shop there mann
i dun really buy things there. usually windowshop.
but this time gonna get some clothes there. HAHAH
finally left for school again aft getting myself HONEY MILK TEA (:
attachment at nuh!
its getting really boring.
only th part where we are at the clinics are more fun.
other than just observing.
we started of 10-12.
which was like dead boring cause we had t split into 4 groups!
imagine this. between 10-12.
the real amount of time we spent in the radiography room per group is like what 30MINS!?
and since i was in the last group.
we had all the time in the world t wonder around.
and so we did! hahaha. we went t the kopitam t chill.
clinics was better today cause the year 3 students are really nice people.
for now my opinion of them still good. hahah!
some of them explained the procedure and all.
and there was a mini discussion between them and their lecturer.
2 of us joined them and yeapps it was great! :D
aft 1 day of attachment.
took a wrong direction bus t kent ridge interchange.
ahaha! amanda mus pl yongjun and i.
then mus pl and i took 33.
they stopped at tiong plaza.
apparently she was heading towards kallang too!
i was so sleepy that i kept dozing off in the bus,
and my journey was like 1h plus. hahah
met shihui at the macs there.
got an ice cream, studied while waiting for kesh.
then at 8 we walked t the courts.
U21s were having their training.
saw many many familiar faces there.
so anyways what were the 3 of us doing there!?
we had game. kesh and shihui in the mixed. me? womens.
no idea abt their game
only know that they won and kesh was angry during the game. hahaha!
at our side, we played against tp.
played WD and WA. felt damn weird playing WD
cause i havn been training hard for WD for 2 years!!!!
so i felt quite lost on court.
playing WA was better!!! seriously someone just train me t be both luhh!!
in the end we lost by a huge gap!
very sad. cause i know i didn perform well.
and playing against an unfriendly someone who i knew is damn awkward.
now i finally know the feeling. LOL.
both trgs were cancelled! ROARRR!! sense the anger mann!!
it was like freaking raining like mad in nyp.
when i ended class it was slightly drizzling
but for kesh and shihui who were at kallang said that it was raining quite heavily.
so she was saying if kallang continues t rain and nyp stopped
we will go back for nyp's trg.
cause for today. both nyp and aciers trg clashed.
and apparently trg at nyp was cancelled.
then in the end aciers' was cancelled too.
anyways before that,
i went t raffles city with kimmy. hahah
cause i didn wanna go kallang so early.
walked around and showed her the place
kimmy! next time got other choices alr. no need always bugis and far east. hahah!
saw a couple of friends (:
and yes since there wasn trg. i went home early.
watched tv and studied. hahaha!
okkays okkays.
better go revise smth!
hahah. and maybe play the piano too!
and i just cant wait t see many many people!
particularly (RANDOM ORDERS)
aishah baby and W!feng! huiqin baby!MY IJ GIRLS!IJ NETBALLERS (BEITRIS OR ANYONE? GATHERING SOMEWHERE?)hong and jo! maybe tgt with xiaowei and aishah too!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
goodness. training was not quite what i expected!
1st part with the 4 stations were tiring!
not all. but upon reaching the 3rd station,
my legs were like practically stuck t the ground!
like cant lift them up! heavy!
did like 2 sets. and i almost wanted t die!
was having cold sweat. no idea why though. hahah!
then the rest of the trg was not that bad alr.
running around for drills.
and the pole! haha. seriously cmi.
then we tried t change the pole
but got alot of LIZARDS!!
HAHAHA!! dropped the pole and like continue screaming.
hahaha!! then finally shihui and i placed it back.
after screaming so much and being brave enough!!
anyways i havn been training. this is the result.
hurhh. need t get back on runs (:
anyways! i saw like sam and that fad!
i went cycling alone!
hahah. and it was great. listening t the music
and not caring abt the cars
and also when my bottle dropped!
goodness! shocked me but i decided t cycle on and get another one.
cycled to PARKWAY PARADE!!
hahaha. damn far!
hmm. normal route t KLP
this time just go further down.
but didn get t walk around much.
didn have a lock. so i just placed it at the bike stand.
quickly ran into the shopping centre and find 7-11 or smth but there wasn any!!
i brought out my hp, cashcard and 1.20 only
hahah! bought onde onde.
then cycled home. passed by SPC.
bought my water there. and luckily i cycled home instead of choosing t diddy dally!
cause few mins aft i reached home,
the sky became damn dark. like those lightning heavy rain kind.
and hong msged me t warn me abt the rain!! hahah
yes he cldn make it for cycling cause he had t study.
but i was home alr!! hahah!
ohh i'm looking forward t cycling t parkway with him. hahah!
i think he will go crazy there too. HAHAH!
went for lesson. well. now better.
alrights mann. gna do my best for piano. since i stopped organ halfway.
our cycling dates how!? hahaha!
W! you done with As alr right?!
faster set a date with aishah and me for badminton!
hahah! we have waited so long for you alr!! hahaha.
and she claims she's as FAT as me when she's underweight!! hahah
well. it was one hectic day i guess.
for 2 people in particular. and mom.
aunt and her hubby-to-be! HAHH.
yeapps. it was her BIG DAY (:
so happy for her. finally marrying off. HAHAH.
so anyways. since mom was the eldest
and granny aint well. she had t help out with the event.
we joined mom at PARKWAY PARADE in the aftnn at 12 plus.
met her at yakun with the in-laws.
walked around with brother and sis while the adults chatted.
walked over t this church there.
had mini service.
the wedding vows and exchange of rings.
hahah. i think it was damn funny.
esp with uncle mispronouncing. HAHH i'm so bad. ;p
some songs and the pastor went on with the program.
2. EX TUTOR, friend of aunt.
hahah! and he was kinda shocked t see me there. AGAIN!
the look he gave me when he saw me was like
'OMG *faints.*' kind of look!! wha piang! hahah
forgot t take picture with him luhh!
sians not say i get t see much of him. hahaha!
this was during the reception time aft taking picture with the newly wed couple.
went home t rest for awhile.
i watched tv. haha. was like sleeping at the back of the car on the way home.
then we left for paramount hotel for the dinner.
1st time sitting at the VIP table.
and i had a glass of wine! the waiter gave me so much!!
1st glass of wine. hahah. since i also seldom drink.
a lovely picture of it.

and i didn drink it all.
even the glass of water was not empty.
so anyways. 1st wedding without eating shark's fin.
HAHAH. the replacement was a nice dish too (:
dishes were nice in all.
i'm satisfied. and the portion was good too (:
photo with the couple. okkays
its really small. its quite a big group as you can see.

theres one more that we took at the church.
its not in my phone. in the camera.
shall try and get the picture somehow.
and also one that limchongshen took of me.
hahah! so upclose and personal. LOL.
*whalao dun lame luhh.* hehehh
then had t wait for all guests t leave.
and mom still can tell us that for next year
be prepared for 3 wedding dinners!!
why they choosing all t get marry at same time!?
then finally it was back t home sweet home.
missed inuyasha today.
luckily it was recorded.
and yeapps. some of the As people are done.
finally celebrating hey.
to the rest!
i know majority has 1 paper left right?
hahaha. yeahh 1 only. bet they have started celebrating as well.
had 3 hrs break.
so i went t grassroots t play pool with ester xueying yujuan and amanda.
havn played for very long alr!!
not sure of places that still has pool area.
was like so rusty!! goodness. hahah
played for 2 hrs. then went back for hygiene prac.
omg. i think i'm really dying!
its week 5 of school.
and i have 3 papers before the hols.
not too bad. the worse part is.
the remaining 4 papers are AFTER THE HOLS.
and i only have 2 weeks.
and 1 week is for overseas!!
goodness! i better buck up and start revising EVERYTHING.
and like i'm so distracted at home!
stupid tv programs. and the laptop!
URGG. shldn come home and str away on the laptop.
now i need t learn t control AGAIN.
its getting WAY TOO OUT OF HAND.
one full day of op tech!
finished 1 tooth. and now onto 14.
for some funny reason i seem t be drilling so slow!!
at this rate, i will complete in another 4 weeks!
since i have been taking 1 week t complete 1 tooth!!
i need t start drawing again. drawings of teeth t be exact. LOL
aft sch ended at 6.
immed went t find qian shihui and kesh.
ohh best thing was.
i had only $2 for the day. didn bring enough cash with me. HAHA
so anyways. we took 31 t kallang
qian and i went t support kesh and shihui
who were having their mixed game.
i see them play also wanna die sia. nvm kesh!
aint you girls fault. you girls did well!
jacq did come in the end! hahah.
after the game qian and i left 1st.
ate our jelly at tp interchange.
then left home.
ohh ohh! i'm still quite crazy over the songs of HSM!!
hahaha. and i'm still wanting t watch it AGAIN! HAHAH.
but not sure if will have that chance alr.
either my timing is not right, or i have smth on, or not in cinema anymore
which i now think ALL THE OPTIONS are present ):


this one is i really stumble upon it.
was reading this magazine that popular gave.
that i saw this interesting interview of an author on her book.
and there was a small section on the overview of her books.
goodness! and i was kinda sucked in! hahah
huiyi and amanda are alr in this craze.
not sure if i shld borrow the book from them
hahaha. reading THICK BOOKS turn me OFF!
unless its smth that i like. in this case: YES!
vampires and human. HAHAH. nice combi hey.
just like the recent anime inuyasha! hahah!
supernatural is just the best! (:
-ohh gosh i sound like some mad psycho person-HURRHH
gonna be quite busy for this week.
and most prob next week too.
i wanna be fitter!
cant wait for thursday's game.
where i might have t play for the whole 1h
and also wed's toe nail removal.
the sides only luhh. hopefully not that pain.
cause at night got trg!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
i swear i HATE RAINY DAYS!
it rained like mad just now!
ground was all wet
and cars driving madly! splashing water all over!!
stupid lightning which was ever so BRIGHT!
today's one really scared me!! made me cringed kkays!
its that bad!!!
and trg for aciers was cancelled.
and cause it rained.
i got t catch up with the new lovely couple (:
tgt with kimmy!
who happily left me t sleep while she chatted with them 1st.
luckily i went t find her..
if not God knows how long she wld have left me sleeping alone!!
and waiting for her!! hahaha
started school at 10 today!!
and had 2 hrs break.
omg. we went t watch the performances at audi.
we were in time for the ballroom dancing!
and i saw venalie! kindergarden friend. ijians!
goodness. she was awesome tgt with her sizzling hot partner.
hahaha! kim fell for him. LOL.
we are gonna watch her dance again next week too!
lunched with the girls (:
according t them i ate a proper meal this time!!
hahaha. cause other times i wld be so lazy t queue up.
so i wld have just ate beancurd.
but i bought yong tao fu and lotus pao (:
yummy yummy (:
sidenote: i wld always take a walk t north and check out the paos (dun ask me why! hah)
and nowadays esp. i noticed the paos are disappearing at a damn fast rate
by 2, almost all paos are gone!!
which leaves me t none if i wanna get 1 aft 2!! HAHAHA.
anyways.. then had lessons until 4!
we ended really early.
so i went t bishan with huiyi and kim t look for the TWILIGHT books.
read abit abt it when i got this mag a popular.
and i cant wait for the movie t be released on DECEMBER 18TH.
and we will be watching once i come back from hols!!
cldn find there so we went back t amk jubilee.
bought her stuff then i went down t tp.
meet up with qian before heading down t kallang.
year end league
and i got my fav jelly!! 2 somemore. haha. and 2 for qian
reached there and got changed.saw the nush girls.
they were also there. qian joined them
game was against zenith womens.
ohh yeahh.. kesh and shihui in mixed. i'm in womens.
feels weird without both of them.
hahah. but whatever! wish them lucks for their thurs game (:
if i have time and energy i might go yeahh? hahah.
anyways kesh shihui and jacq came t support everyone! hahaha
won them by a small margin.
felt great t be able t play again.
but i need more training! played 1 quart wa another wd.
wasn as fit as before mann.
and apparently the legs weren giving me any pain.
except movement! was feeling quite heavy..
goodness. i shall try and be an all rounder. i wanna try all positions!!
after that we went supper tgt with elaine at kfc.
damn funny. kesh and jacq made alot of noise! hahah
seriously no peace in there. once we came in
KA-BOOM. mass destruction sia. hahaha!
and they talked abt their food!
hahah. 1 say eat so dirty. then the africa speech.
the other wanna share share food.
another just happily eating. HAHAH!
one keep poking and waving the fork around. hahah!
while the other 2 just sit and listen and try not t do anything funny.
yeahh it has been a pretty long time since we had fun.
and qian almost fell off her chair! cause kesh kept pushing her!
hahaha. laughed till stomach ache somemore. HAHAH
then took 31 with shihui and qian.
got myself 2 more jelly back at tp interchange. hahaha
ohh! i cant wait fo next year! gonna have alot of marathons and all i wanna join!
like the spore biathlon and nyp snergy!!
and also i'm waiting for the vertical challenge and maybe surf and sweat 09!!
hahaha. woots! exciting exciting!
and this time we got a bunch of other classmates interested t join with us!!
yay! so happening mann!
hmm. gonna give nyp campus run a miss.
anyways. hope more people join!! hahah
okkays i have decided t post some of our pol-ite photos.
and i wont put all. there's too many!
the many many more can be seen in facebook :D
OOPS. no pictures for the rp game. hahah
cause i dun have them!!
starting game against np

against ite



these 2 photos damn funny.
in between there were other shots.
so its like the beginning and how we ended. ahaha!
Monday, November 10, 2008
i'm getting lazier t update.
today was a rainy and wet and COLD DAY!
yeahh was supposed t go and run with kimmy.
but then it chose t rain when we were supposed t meet =/
but i just met kimmy earlier.
chatted about things. really nice t share things w her.
and i went for JAP CLASS!
there was class last week apparently..
but the 3 of us missed it. NOT OUR FAULT!
timetable didn show up in our portal thing
luckily went t clarify with the elective teacher in charge
was like quite lost!! hahah.
only aft the break time then i was somewhere on track with them.
dinner was out at the airport.
crystal jade. since we were at t2.
and the parents didn want fast food.
then sent dad off. walked around with mom and sis.
took the skytrain t t3.
went down t the ntuc and bought some food!
i bought my fav curry prawn crackers! (:
aft walking for abt an hr plus we finally decided t go home.
went t qian's t swim and gym for awhile.
and of course our usual catch up (:
came home for dinner.
and had cakes for birthday celebrations (:
one was peach and mango yogurt
the other was chocolate. really really nice
gotta watch inuyasha the 3rd movie!
had 4 hrs of dental hygiene!!
goodness! and i was still so tired!
ohh gosh.
the break was also no use luhh.
had lunch at koufu. i had my vitasoy (:
then went for hygiene prac.
ended at 4.
went t north canteen t gather with the rest.
was so tired and moody!
sians. must be the blood.
not 1st time alr!! hahah
so when we were on the bus, i popped in the medicine that was given.
slept on the way.
once we reached there, read abit on hygiene.
then ate soggy fries from daph. hahah
damn funny luhh.
both of us got a call from our friends, who were coming t support the tp game
we were trying t direct them t each other
and the replies we get from them is hilarious!!
FINAL GAMENYP V TPthought my eyesight was bad.
but really!
i saw coach. didn expect her t be there though.
anyhows,like what shihui said.
the game was like a rollercoaster!
heart attack!
but i guess the ending was rather good
we managed t tie with tp at the end of 3rd quart.
players on court gave their all.
off court did their job too.
screaming and shouting and cheering them on
but at the last few mins.. the match was decided alr.
we got t settle in for 2nd.
then had prize presentation
GREAT JOB NYP NETBALLERS!you all played well!
defenders peishi chris and kesh
midfielders aud fana xian
shooters peiqin shuyi huiyu
and the rest of us su daph peishi shimin.
and of course jacq and shihui!
lets work on our fitness!
wont wanna lose t them the next time round..
we've got serious kickbutting t do. HAH.
AND SO THAT MARKS THE END OF THE POL-ITE SEASON.then i took 24 to the airport!
t fetch dad. and we waited quite awhile for a cab.
cause it was really long queue!
sorry kesh jacq and shihui! cldn make it for supper.
hitched a ride from mom
picked huishan and we left for NUH.
yeapps. we reached there pretty early..
walked around.
got changed.
then off t get ready for attachment.
and boy was it BORING. =/
we went t clinic 3.
which conprises of the yr 4s today.
watched them do their things.
and they like dun bother abt us at all.
except for minor fews.
i mean like.. be nice enough t say a few words t us luhh!!
dun make us look like idiots standing there can?!
so dumb know they all. dunno how t interact with people
other than their friends teachers and patients?!
like please! some of us might be working with you in future!
we are so gonna remember all ur faces!!
HAHAHA. so mean sia.
i feel so shitty today.
maybe cauase of my blood loss due t the donation.
HAHAH. was feeling cranky.
and cause we were split t half, i went t get bfast with tahirah.
then aft that at 12 we had lunch.
and the things there are so ex!
tried t find vitasoy. but dun have. ):
aftnn was no better. hahah
we had xray observation. and like we went in pairs and threes.
i was last tgt with pl and tahirah.
so we tried finding the nursery.
you know.. BABIES (:
but then the curtains were drawn and we cldn see them!
but we did catch a glimpse at 3 lovely cute newborns!! (:
got a ride home (: lucky me!
then did some errands tgt with mom
and got a cookie and cream cheese cake for brother (:
from the table t the floor!
it has been awhile since i dropped it so hard and high!!!
OKKAYS PICTURES FOR THE NEXT POST!I PROMISE ALOT OF PHOTOSMANY MANY PHOTOS FROM POL-ITE 08.and yes! remaining papers for As!all the best t you people! (:
Thursday, November 06, 2008
1st nov: TOAD 18TH2nd nov: COUSIN'S 18TH6th nov: BROTHER 20TH, ATIQAH 18THkkays.. for now its only these few. wait till i blog again. i will wish the other nov babies (:okkays i have decided t blog and wait a lil longer for the photos.
cause there's seriously smth wrong with our sharing folders
i have got plenty for POL-ITES 2008.
and here are some photos of classmates taken during biosci lesson today
more in huiyi's camera. will get from her soon (:
we dreamt of becoming doctors

then aft class, ash mus kim and i went for BLOOD DONATION (:
tahirah cldn come cause she wasn fully 18 and she needed t sign consent form!!
here are some pictures.

and this one here is my blood in the bag! almost full

i was the fastest! cause i kept squeezing the stress ball. HAHA
then we were late for class
but we havn makaned. so went t north canteen
i had 3 veg and 1 fish.
and one of the veg was CURRY VEG.
and for some reason today's one was SUPER spicy.
okkays nvm..
i went t class and i totally knocked out for 1h!!
i actually slept! HHAH. totally drained out!
aft class ended at 5, mus kim and i went t find the nursing people
and went for the shs acad club ceremony.
some passing of the presidential title to the new batch of people
we were there t support FAD!
hahaha. ANYWAYS
we'r excited yall are tgt! HAHAH. kkays kkays
stay tgt for a long time yeahh. HAHAH. both of you enjoy ha.
so anyways. we kept making alot of noises at the ceremony. hahah
fana was there too.
aft that went t eat some puff. hahah. nice!
and walked t sports stadium with fana.
so sad cldn stay long t minger with the rest =/
training was alright today.
hahah! and daph and i played our dream position.
GK for me and GD for her. hahah. damn funny.
did some sprints but i cldn do.. must make sure i'm thoroughly recovered!
CRAP. nvm i play 1 quart for tp game i also will happy.
and lucky me. qian has agreed t swim and gym with me on sat!!
yes! finally doing smth t the muscles!!
i had 2 hrs of school today!! hahaha
exciting. cause elective was like cancelled?! or wrong or whatever!?
yeahh we just didn have electives.
damn and i was looking forward t it
so anyways. i woke up so ever early t visit the specialist.
and yeapps i'll around there!
recovered! just that now hafta do stretches with movement.
cause i havn been running and training much for like 2 3 weeks??
then faster rush home t get shoes ball and all.
aft sch i went t look for jacq at koufu
waited for kesh. went into jacq's lecture hall.
saw qian (: hahah. so cool sia.
now i know how its like choping seats for lectures. HAHAH
then i went t north canteen t wait for shihui.
left for simei at 530.
and i almost forgot the shoes and ball that was in the locker ;p
well.. we had a better start and even better finish (:
score was 69-24
played at the 3rd quart.. after so long of not training..
hahah. hmm. guess it wasn too shabby.
made mistakes. like STEPPING!? wth!? HAHAH
so anyways.. will be working on it on wed's trg
this is the problem when you'r off the court for a long period of time
i guess =/
i finally went cycling! gosh!
cause the sun was up. (:
cycled t peirce reservoir.
before that i was cycling around the area.
and switching from gear 4 t 5 was..
hurhh hurhh.. my legs are weak!!
yes it was so hard cycling up the many slopes t peirce!!
and i saw jeanette aw! and dunno which actress.
they were filming for their nonya show i guess..
saw them in the malay suit.
then came home and played the piano.
hahah it's been awhile since i really play.
then went for lesson. and it was a new teacher today..
cheena lady quite strict. but pretty (:
stupid rain totally put me off.
was supposed t go for a run and cycling.
but no. i ended up at home THE ENTIRE DAY.
sad. so i studied. well. TRIED.
cant really study at home..
so aft that, i walked t hub and took a train down t grandma's.
the blueberry pie my aunt bought was delicious!!
maybe shld get that sometime when i walk home from grandma's (:
which will be quite a long walk.
lets see..
from home i walked t hub is 35mins.
from bishan t grandma's..maybe another 35mins.
thats alr 70mins.
i havn tried walking from hub t bishan..
lets say..
another 35mins? HAHAH. so LETS SAY
i walk from granny's t home,
my journey wld take ard 2 hrs. HAHAH!
i wanna try that. HAHAH. maybe this sat i go and try. HEEHEE
freaking tension!!
at 1st was alright.. yeahh
took a seat on the bench.
whalao immediately aft the game started.
adrendaline rush mann!
goodness! seniors played SO FAST!
as in really! they were rushing!!
whaa then my heart also keep pumping so hard!
but not that bad.
it was really a neck t neck game..
and we managed t pull away at the last quart.
when we were like 5 mins into the game..
yes. super scary.
alot of tension both on court and off court.
all of us kept shouting like mad.
in the end we finished with a score of 31-22.
yes. a very close match.
up t the point where they pulled away..