Tuesday, November 27, 2007
it's time i got out of boredom!
this week is gna be fun! yay!
been waiting for this.
no matter how tiring it will be!
i wont complain!! rarrhh.
i loved saturday!
had training in the morning.
piang ehh.
didn eat bfast at all.
was darn hungry and felt quite like fainting.
and the sun!
whoo! darn nice and sunny.
then went t baby's!! rested awhile.
was so tired! manns.
there goes my fitness. ):
then after that.
we took a train down t LAU PA SA!!
was like so excited luhh!!
tonns of food there.
walked around looking at them..
yummy yummy.
if i cld, i would have bought a lil bit of each.
AHAHAH! crazy me.
and there were TWO celebs there.
and i smiled at the lady one. :D
ahahah. pretty ladaye. but i forgot her name.
so we had lunch there.
walked around and goofed around.
took a train back home.
bathed and all.
cousins came.
o2jammed! cards. beer. and movie on com.
goodness. all in my room!
ahahaha. seriously mann!
and my sis is freakingly amart.
for PSLE. she got 257.
gosh. the highest luhh.
and god knows where she will be going for her sec sch.
i need $$$!!!
so that i can do more shopping!!
and also gotta save some $. heheh.
hmm. have decided t just go ahead with the MSIA hols.
sigh. gonna be surrounded with guys! hmpf.
the girl cousins aint going.
owells. shall just go there and enjoy myself.
shall get some things done.
for the baby one. :D
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
piang ehh
some holiday this is.
i'm like stuck at home for like a week!?
life sucks big time.
in addition t that!
just had TWO quarells!
with the baby somemore!
piang ehh.
quite heartache.
still heartaching..
piang ehh.
fucking angry w myself!
bloody hell.
better improve myself. :D
i cant wait for next week.
starting work.
and i can feel my brains are rotting.
slowly but surely!!
goodness. havn touched books for 2 weeks!!
and i'm rotting alr!!
must do something productive mann.
tday my huiqin came!
but! she didn eat lunch.
so we chatted, bathed,
then went t hub t grab a bite.
walked ate and looked around.
tmr! GYMING! with BF!
gosh! i need it badly!
i'm covered in FATS!
gosh. where's all my leg muscles!!
kkays. i shld TONE my upper body.
it will look like i'm having lots of fats.
must TONE! then lower body.
feeling darn fat. AND UNFIT!
thanks for explaining things clearly t me.
maybe. this time. it's really ENTIRELY my fault.
shldn get agitated so easily.
and sensitive too.
will keep track of my actions,emotions.
and things that i do.
but do know.
i dun really show things or my emotions.
hope you understand that.
i've crossed the line this time.
and i feel really bad about it.
here's to you.
my most sincere apology.
you can take it. or leave it.
i'm sorry baby.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
update time!!
it's been a week or so!!
life hasn been interesting..
last week was spent in trying t appeal.
plans and all.
haii. and it all failed!!
when i saw the bloody LARD on friday.
stupid principal!
came so late.. ard 10!? when my parents left 5 mins earlier!?!
gosh mann.. some principal she is.
running and hiding away during this period..
then was with gwen n nelson.. talked t mr woo.
and also going t lib t get some things..
then aft that went t baby's place.
checked out some things and all.
tried t come up with something..
like some plan or smth.. so that i had a chance t retain..
but then. sigh.
when back home.. didn get a chance t tell my parents abt it..
sigh. was a tough decision luhh.
plus aft what mr woo told nelson and me..
then i was like deciding.. darn hard.
quite difficult for me t let go for this place..
but owells. all good things gotta come t an end. SOON.
went to sentosa for uncle's wedding.
hmm. was at rasa resort. whoaaa.
christian wedding. nice.
but was rather longgg.. yeapps.
but was interesting. the pastor was amusing and entertaining us all.
heheh. darn funny.
then came the 8-course meals!!
ahahah! sheesh luhh. ate alot!!
abit of each = alot in the end!!
after that, we all walked back t beach station.
was suppose t go t the beach.
ended up going to some amusement park!?
ahahaa. there was some go-kart ride look-alike.
went with my lil cousin..
cux she wanted.
and there aint anyone who wanna go with her.
so yeapps. i went with her :)
aft that! we went t the beach. ahahah
played in the water. sand. whoo!
awhile later. we went for dinner at some ABC dining area.. yeapps.
and there i ate DESSERT!? ahahah.
super yummy dessert.
hmm. strawberry peach!! yummy. love it!
went home t bathe and rest awhile.
ard 11 plus. we went t the airport t fecth my bro.
who was gonna be back from his taiwan training.
yeapps. ate burger king fries.
whoaa. was damn tired.
aft fetching him, went home and immediately went t bed!!
couldn take it anymore!!
monday! was daddy's bday!!
went t chinatown in the aftnn. t bring my sis for some therapist thing.
then later we walked ard in some building. t kill time.
then we went t take a train to commonwealth station.
daddy picked us there.
went t holland village. waited for mum.
then we went for dinner in a restaurant.
for steak! beef!! heheh.
and i saw xian wei!! aahaha.
the world is seriously small.
of all restaurants t see her, i saw her as a waitress there. ahahah
cool mann. chatted for awhile with her.. since she was working.
ahahah. shldn disturb her.
well. she's doing fine! :D good good.
then tday i went t sch t get some things done.
met baby 1st!! ahahah. chatted awhile then he went for lessons.
met emm. chatted for awhile.
sorry mann. but really.
maybe poly would be a better choice for me.
i'm happy t have met emm. as my captain and as a friend. :D
then i met mt cousin and her friend at northpoint.
took a train down t orchard taka.
changed then we went t makan lunch.
went there t look for a job. yeapps.
as a gift wrapper! ahahah. but it's good. at least can keep me occupied
during my hols. yeapps.
met baby ard 2 plus.
then those two idiot! all ran away luhh!! ahahah.
nvm! ahahha. run somemore luhh!
then we went and walk around.
walked t paragon. then t heeren. then t cine. ahaha
pastamania!! really mann.
we must find a timing that suits both of us!
cux i went there n ate dessert only!!!
while he ate a meal and dessert.
then we took a bus back home.
both of us tired like crap.
then stopped somewhere.
so that he can take his bus home.
kkays. was so excited. HEEHEE.
shoutouts to my fella 118 classmates 2007i shall be fair and go by class list. HEHE.
not say they will also read this.
but i will really miss them! :(
here's to them! our past 8-9 months tgt in 118.
GWEN! hey there!! one of the few classmates i made friends with at the start of sch.
thanks for the times spent with you! one more undone!
OUR GIRLS SENTOSA OUTING!! ahahah. thanks for the times when i was down and all.
and also econs tuition, bball session before u sprained urself, chat times with you.
yeapps. was great. hope t see you soon! TAKKARE! do well kkays!
no matter where you are. :D
DEWI! dearest partner cum pw member of the year! was fun knowing you.
part-time leader of the grp when leader's not in. heehee.
thanks for ur laughter joy and jokes. made everyone's day better.
had alots of fun with you. going ur house study and pw, makaning tgt,
sitting next t yer in class most of the time and chatting away..
will miss ur presence yeahh. anyways! we have yet t have a
GIRL'S OUTING. hehe. takkare girl! no matter where you are, do well yeahh! :)
NELSON! king of bird as they always call you. ahahah. yeapps. great knowing you!
happy-go-lucky guy yeahh. OBS! CHERYL FOX. hehehe. anyways.
all the best in everything you do kkays. ur poly and all.
ALVIN! hot mama!! ahahah. 1st few friends i made in 118. heehee. during march
bridging lessons right? ahaha. OBS!! was fun with you!! ahahah. thanks for the times
you tried and help me? yeapps. remember? hahah. hmm. study time, makan time, pool
and bball times with yer was darn hilarious i swear!! UR LAUGHTER TOO!
DARN CONTAGIOUS I TELL YOU! ahahah. alrights. all the best in ur j2 kkays.
do well for ur As! TAKKARE MAMA! :D
HENGKY! anthon!! ahahah. fella pw mate. stupid boy. keep teasing me luhh!
aahaha. study sessions, bballing. always say me one luhh. mean bully. omg.
cant forget that time he pinched my cheeks!! both sides!!
omg luhh. looks like a big bro. but still darn young at heart. AHAHAH!
cant believe i said that. owells. that's good.
at least can control himself in doing the things he does..
pw-ing and studying at dewi's with you was fun.
thanks for ur bullying maybe?! will miss that. TAKKARE! and do well for ur As!
JOHN! yoho! ahahah. saw ur hair! it's blond! nice nice. anyways!
ur laughter too!! as hilarious as mama's!! ahaha.
remember that time in chalet whatever talk we had, bballing,
and you inmitating me when i hug my friends!! ahahah.
had fun with you in school. have fun in j2 kkays! TAKKARE!
and do eat more!! you will need it!! :D all the best for ur As!
ZHANQING! heyheyhey. boss of 118. ahahah!! small eyes!!
and bushy eyebrows. AHAHAH! anyways! you enjoy life in yj kkays.
whether you repeat or promote. glad t have met you. darn qiang in bball.
get into the team nxt year yeahh!! ahahah. all the best t you!
TAKKARE! if i got anything. can go nxt door and look for you rights? :D
MAX! tallest in class!! fella geog mate and few i met in mar hols.
superstar!! yes. continue singing more max!! will miss ur singing.
had fun sitting with you during geog and some classes.
please do wash ur brains. :D smily guy. hilarious in his own ways.
good good good. u takkare of ur face luhh max!
lately having.. yeahh.. TAKKARE! study hard next year kkays!!
so that you can promote with flying colours!!
MOK! chenghao. AHAHAH! sorry arhh. keep calling you MOK chenghao.
ahahah! 1st few i made friends with. told him things that only dewi knew too.
yeapps. bloody hell. until now still cant have a decent chat with you.
ahahah! always giving me that 'i'm gna kill you' look. ahahah!
and stop arguing with ashley!! ahaha. i didn do anything wrong!!
but it's alrights. i will miss it. HEHEH.
smart but lazy guy. go study harder next year.
then can promote with darn good results.
thanks for this year. glad t have met you.
SHINGRONG! macs mate. studying sessions at macs were fun!
and retarded sometimes! smile more luhh. attract unwanted attention.
ahahah! BE CAREFUL MANN. chalet organiser. bball mate. thanks for all that!
and the fun and excitement! ohh. and thanks for showing me the red house :D
and also in trying t help me in maths and phy.
quit playing com games so much!
study harder next year!! TAKKARE!
TERENCE! sleeping god. ahahha! anyways. had fun with this guy.
always sleeping in class. but rather fun guy t be with. err. chocolate yeahh.
ur fav. you TAKKARE of urself kkays. STUDY HARD AND PLAY HARD.
do well in no matter what you do!
last day tgt at seoul garden was great. :D
HANSHENG! the boyfriend. hey there!! glad t have met you
fun guy t be with. always making fun of me during 1st few months.
darn tall and silm guy. and he talks till no end!! ahahah.
caring and understanding one. pool pro! 2nd t mama. jokes alot! ahaha.
clever and witty. thanks for the wonderful times spent!
movie, arcades, bball, OBS! yeapps. and helping me with my studies. ahah.
thanks for the things you've done for me. :D and! we have yet have the
chinatown-to-raffles station-walk!!! ahahaha. omg so exciting!! ahahah.
all the best in ur As next year! do well kkays!! TAKKARE! <3
YITING! no.1 in class. dun mess with this fella mann. ahahah!
cool and calm guy. knows what he's doing. thanks for helping me in things.
quite a fun guy t be with. though he's always serious. heehee. bball,
at the chalet. study session. yeapps.TAKKARE! do well in ur As next year!!
all the best in everything you do!
LEROY! hurrhh. did not have a good start with yer yeahh? but owells.
all the best t you next year! TAKKARE. stop being so gay!!
WILSON! the bearbear. ahahah. alrights. this is weird. great knowing you!
darn good player in bball. bubbly guy. smart one too.
thanks for bballing!! ahahha. always bullying ashley tgt with shingrong.
ahahah! TAKKARE!
do well for ur As next year!
JINHONG! the leader. pw leader. real joker. fun person t be with.
hahah. wells. i love my group. thanks for ur jokes and laughter in class!!
and was great working under this leader.
always with dewi making lots of jokes and fun.
great t know this classmate of mine.
always calling me hoothoot and bullying/teasing me.
bball sessions. ahahah. sorry arhh! called you jinlong at 1st. ahahha!
have fun in yj yeahh leader! TAKKARE! do well for next year!
not t forget.
the team who we all have trained tgt
for the season with lousia and mr liu.
thanks for all the fun laughter and excitement.
ahahah. though trg could be tiring.
we were there for each other.
A Div 07 YJC.
jesley,deborah,trudy and another senior.
also grace and alisa. yeapps.
training with you all have been worthwhile. :)
AND THE NEWBIES AFT THE SEASON!nut and zhixin! ahaha. jamie huisian. :)
and many others! yeapps. training with them were fun too.
will miss this wonderful team.
and also. other friends i have made there.
fella ij-sians. christine,shannon,natpoh,natloo,noelle,jessica,
sarah,felicia,grace,melissa (stc)
new friends made in yj. sians.
sians. will seriously miss yj.
though it's some shitty sch.
eating in class trying not t get caught until they dun care.
playing games in class.
chatting and making helluva noise.
making fun of all our teachers.
sleeping in classes/lectures
the track. the courts.
C9. the canteen. toilets. (my escape-y)
must put all these behind.
and move forward!! yeapps yeapps.
leave it all in my memories storage.
omg. this is one long and windy entry!
ahaha. for any reader t read till here.
if you'r have read till here.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
it was dooms day indeed.
results are still as bad..
expected that.
sigh. in a lost right now..
but.. gna appeal back tmr..
congrats on the 6 who managed t promote successfully.
another 5 might join them.. :D
to those who didn make it..
do well next year. :D
ya'll can make it.
before dooms day.
baby mama terence and i went t seoul garden!!
took a train up t causeway point.
ahaha. yeapps.
they didn know where t go! so they joined us.
ahahah. better t go out chill then t go home and worry abt results..
we ate alot!! ahahah
i took 4 different knids of chicken!
crab, fishball look alike, chicken, beef, noodles, veges.
and dessert!! yummy! made own dessert and ice-cream.
nice! darn funny luhh four of us there..
aft it all.. we went t comics connection.
walked around..
then we rushed back t sch..
cux there was some principal talk.
and we were late!! ahahah. yeahh.
glad i had my last moments of fun tgt with them.

sunday! 4th month!
we went cycling!! yay!
was fun fun fun!
then we went for prata!! yum yum.
then at night.. dinner was at novena with family..
went t TTSH visit ahgong..
yay! whole day spent with my baby. :D
went for theory exam.
met mummy later
then went chinatown t look for sis and dad.
aft that, we went t makan at people's park.
yumyum. lots of food! ahahah.
aft lunch. we went t marina sq!!
t do some shopping!
ahahah. nice nice nice!
got a jeans, shirts and skirt.
ahahah. and i got myself a book!! woohoo!!
OP DAY! ahahaha. was quite nervous luhh!
it's all over! no more exams! ahahah.
at night was kbox session! ahahah
at partyworld! whoo!
everyone was darn high luhh!
went late cux of lesson.
sang and sang and sang. heehee
manns. didn go for supper. owells.
baby sent me home. so he missed it too.
to 118. life has never been dull for a single day.
thanks to all 16 of them.
i thank god for introducing them t me.
fun, laughter and joy shared everyday.
god bless them all.
memories shared with each other.
all fun times tgt will be kept.

ahahah. alrights. it's too dark! hmm.
gwen.hansheng.jingyi.jinhong.dewi.max.hengky.john.alvin.zhanqing. OUR KBOX SESSION.

and not t forget. my favourite. and the people who shared it with me too.
netball forever.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Sometimes I work a schemeBut then it flips on meDoesn't turn out how I plannedGet stuck in quick sandNo problem, can't be solvedOnce I get involvedI try to be delicateThen crash right into it (HAHA)BUT! My intentions are goodSometimes just misunderstoodomg. it's gna be november!
omg. another year is gna fast soon!
and it's all so fast!
i love this year!
one of the best year ever! HAHA
havn end yet luhh!!
had chinses As on monday.
errr.. was quite a killa?! yeahh.
then! all16 of us wanted t go for lunch!
but wow!
we couldn decide!
so ended up 4 split.
terence max baby n me. went to KFC.
ahahah! while the rest went t eat chicken rice. :D
HAHA. hilarious bunch.
then went for movie marathon at baby's!!
and wonderful me continued my marathon at night.
watching constantine, finished 28weeks later and started national treasure.
wow. damn nice.
hmm. tuesday.
lesson time again? sians..
didn have anything exciting.. yeahh.
except that i kept playing mama's game!
wednesday TODAY!
what did we do..
played game, trashed ppl.
err.. yeahh?
then aft sch went with baby and leroy t j8.
since they went t look for a job.
so yeahh.
then went t baby's AND DOWNLOAD THAT GAME!
darn fun!
quite exciting actually.. :D
gna have class outing!
err.. KBOX!! aahaha.
sheesh. really hope i can go! ahahah.
though quite a few gg. BUT STILL!
it will be fun? yeahh. AHAHAH.
Os and As people!